(Image credit: CBS Sports)
Surely this is one of many think pieces you'll come across today in wake of the Tuukka Rask news and let me be abundantly clear right off the bat: it does not matter what I think, what you think, or what some Joe Shmoe on the radio thinks about Rask's decision to opt-out. What's done is done, and while it stinks and it's okay to be sad that your starting goalie will not be present during playoffs, too bad. Such is life, and sometimes life gets in the way. Every day, actually.
"I don't think it's any big surprise to us, to be honest with you. We're privy to information maybe before the rest of the public is, and this has been a difficult decision for Tuukka, but the Boston Bruins are in full support of why he made this decision," Bruins general manager Don Sweeney told the media Saturday morning. "I mean all of our players, we knew this would be a mental challenge, especially the players with families. In Tuukka's case, he has a newborn at home, along with two other young girls and he just felt that he needed to be home with them at this particular time. Can't control the timeline of when the playoffs resume." As an unmarried 23-year old with no children, I cannot understand the responsibility that comes with being a parent. However, as someone who likes to think of herself as a pretty empathetic person, I can at the very least imagine how difficult it is to leave your family behind for an unknown extended period of time to go play hockey instead. I know putting it that way is rather blunt and maybe oversimplifies the situation, but this whole thing circles back to the idea we've heard time and time again since sports have restarted: sports are not the most important thing in the world!
To be quite honest, it's shocking sports are going on at all. Don't get me wrong I've fully enjoyed hockey being back and I commend the NHL for their Return to Play plan. As a baseball fan, I've seen how MLB has been struggling to keep their season intact with COVID cases popping up every week across different ball clubs. Since the NHL restart, there have been no positive cases which is absolutely fantastic! However, by no means does that mean hockey being back is all good and perfect. THERE IS STILL RISK INVOLVED. Sports, at the end of the day, are for our entertainment, and everyone, including the players, knows that. There's no doubt in my mind all these guys love the game and love playing, but in these unprecedented times as they're so often called, it's not exactly a hot take to say the NHL like every other sports organization was anxious to restart and finish the season for our entertainment and money rather than the players' love for the game.
Now imagine knowing that and having a family back home including a newborn child you're missing out on watching grow up and care for. It cannot be an easy decision for any player, as Don Sweeney said. We know nothing about Rask's personal life, his family, or what goes on in his mind. What we do know as humans is when you love and care for someone, you want them to be happy, healthy, and loved. Again I know nothing about being a parent, but as a human, I know there are bigger things in life than your job. If it came down to me picking between my job and the well-being of my family, I'm going home to my family, just like every one of you would too. Another thing I know to be true is we do not know what goes on in anyone's mind besides our own. So often we preach "mental health first," but the second something like this arises that narrative is out the door. I don't know what's going on in Tuukka Rask's mind and frankly, it's not my business. If this is the best decision for not just his family but him as an individual, then it's the right one. Period, end of story. That's not up for debate. We knew coming into the restart of sports players are going to opt-out. It is their choice and one we as humans should respect. I love sports just as much as anyone but again: THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN SPORTS.
Tuukka Rask owes you nothing. Yes, it stinks we won't have him for the playoffs but you know what? The show goes on. Save your hot takes and your twisted narratives and for the love of God, just have some decency. The Tuukka Rask discourse in Boston has officially reached its peak and let me tell you, a lot of you are showing your true colors. Life happens, don't be an asshole.